Monday, November 15, 2010

Kitsap County Water

While browsing local newspapers looking for environmental news and updates, I stumbled upon an article addressing the idea of reusing water or "Thinking of Water in a New Way" (Dunagan, Christopher, Kitsap Sun, 11/13/10). The article discusses the idea of managing water in a "more natural way", rather than using the water in one's house, sending it through a series of pipes and discharging "1.5 billion gallons per year" of sewage in the Puget Sound. The upcoming technology will make it possible for one to recycle the water as it goes from the sink and toilet to what is described as a water treatment unit placed next to the septic tank. The water will then be fit to use for watering lawns and even reusing in the household.

This plan will allow for each household to conserve the amount of water sent to the Puget Sound, thus improving the quality of the water in the sound over time, if other counties are able to follow down this path. Not only would this plan help reduce the amount of pollution released into the environment, it would also lower costs of sewage for many households since the monthly price would be based on individual usage, not the usage of the community sewage pipes. Although the initial cost of installing these tanks/units in each household would be high at first, it is predicted in the article that over 20 years around $300 million will be saved, since the expensive sewer upgrades will no longer be necessary. This article was refreshing as it gave a positive outlook to the future of conserving environmental resources and protecting the environment from pollutants. While this switch from sewage lines to water treatment units may take a few years due to technological and financial set backs, it's a great idea that would be easy for the homeowner to utilize.

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